Wet Blanket On A Fire

Smoke rising from a grassland wildfire next to a forest

The socialist system that our Liberal federal government has been implementing the past 4 years is a job destroying, economy demolishing system.  It is like a wet blanket over a fire.

These are the results of raising corporate tax rates, adding a ton of extra job killing red tape regulations, and completely blowing up our energy sector.

To top it off these so called Canadian union bosses who represent hundreds of thousands of our hard working union members continue supporting the political parties that are implementing the policies that are destroying the union jobs that the bosses are  supposed to be protecting.  Union members have been exploited and used as pawns for too long.  I encourage all Union members to think long and hard before you blindly listen to the information that your bosses feed you.

The proof is in the results of the policies that get implemented, not in what the Union bosses and media say will work.  What they say will work is having the exact opposite results then what they tell us.

When jobs continue to leave Canada while we see the U.S. economy booming, we can’t point the blame anywhere but at our own pathetic politically correct economic policies.  They are absolutely HORRIBLE!



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