Vote for the Conservative Leadership Candidates

Paris Climate change agreement - Mountain Media
Eiffel tower in Paris, France

Remember to only vote for the Conservative Leadership Candidates who will promise to work on having Canada removed from the UN Paris Agreement as well as the Global Migration Pact.

As long as we are apart of those agreements, it doesn’t matter which party wins election, we will still be following UN global agendas.

A global government makes the policies while our federal government implements and enforces these agreements.  We are quickly losing our sovereignty as a country under these agreements.  Trudeau did declare that Canada would be the first post national state.

If Conservative candidates do not make this a platform, I can’t vote for them, no matter how great they are.  They are NOT great if they would not, as the potential Prime Minister fight for Canada and get us out of those agreements.

This was one of President Trump’s promises back when he was campaigning and he fulfilled his promise.

The U.S energy sector was able to boom because of it, at the same time they lowered their emissions and also have been more environmentally focused.


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