Derek Sloan Wins Conservative Leadership Debate!


Last night`s Conservative Leadership Debate was a chance for Canadians to get to know the candidates in a much better way.  Without going into specifics of every question and answer we will focus in on the overall performance of the candidates and why we feel Derek Sloan came out the clear winner.

Derek Sloan did not hold back any punches.  He even went as far as bringing up the state of the Conservative Leadership election committee`s detestable actions of removing Richard Decarie and Jim Karahalios from the Leadership election after they had reached the stated requirements of the party, which was a bold and wise move on Sloan`s behalf.  Sloan had no issue with being outspoken on improving the state of the US-Canada relationship and also made it very clear that he intended to partner and work together with Donald Trump on a number of important domestic as well as foreign policy issues.  This is quite the opposite of the current administrations pathetic behaviour of standing against Trump on every issue possible, that has hurt our relationship with our closet ally more then anyone thought possible.  Several times throughout the debate Sloan committed to removing Canada out of BOTH the UN Paris Agreement as well as the UN Migration Pact, which has almost complete support across the board from all Conservative voters.  Sloan is quickly emerging as the only candidate willing to hold the Conservative Party accountable for their current status as a very Liberal lite party, which has made many voters that were supporting other candidates switch their support to Sloan.  Sloan also promised to completely defund the corrupt World Health Organization as well as toughen up Canada`s stance with China.   Overall it is becoming very clear that Derek Sloan is the only candidate that can be trusted to stand up against political correctness and the onslaught of Globalism that is currently moving full steam ahead in the attempts to overtake Canada and make us the first post national state as Justin Trudeau is so proudly is working towards.

Peter Mackay was exactly what we expected.  Dull, boring and a typical establishment candidate that was trying to say what he thought was the politically correct thing to say.  He flip flopped on his previous commitment to whip his cabinet on votes of conscience, which was the perfect example of someone willing to tell people whatever he thinks they want to hear, who will suddenly change that answer depending on the audience. This is always a clear indicator of someone who can`t be trusted, especially at the highest levels of government.

Erin O`Toole was fairly well spoken, but again was a typical establishment candidate trying to give all the politically correct answers which most voters are tired of.   Erin came out loud and proud that he was pro-choice which did not sit well with most so-cons.  This election is very different with having so many social Conservatives getting engaged for the first time and making their voices heard.  Erin has tried to paint the picture that he is a candidate that can unite the party but so-cons want to see some abortion laws on the books in Canada which is more then reasonable as Canada stands out among all democratic countries with zero laws on abortion.  How this is possible in a democratic country has baffled many people for years.  We felt Erin did ok but was nothing special.

Leslyn Lewis had some strong moments but also struggled some during the debate.  Leslyn has alot of great things she brings to the table and is a welcome change to have in the leadership discussions in the party.  Her strategy seems to involve playing it safe in many areas as to not make waves, while also talking about some areas that please so-cons like defunding overseas abortion and implementing a law against sex selective abortions.  She also spoke on making the family unit strong which is popular amongst most Conservative voters.

When the state of affairs happening in Canada is as far gone as it is and we are steps away from Trudeau attaining the goal of Canada becoming the first post national state, we can no longer afford to have a Conservative leader who is trying to please the media and not make any waves.  We need someone who will put their whole person into standing against Globalism and who will make tidal waves by reversing the horrible policies that the Trudeau government and past Conservative governments have implemented.  If we are serious about seeing Canada remain sovereign, we better get serious with our votes.  After spending months critiquing each candidate and watching last night`s debate it has become very clear that we need Derek Sloan as leader of the Conservative Party and Prime Minister of Canada.




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